Why did Flynn lie and why did Mueller charge him with lying? | TheHill

Different perspective on Flynn “The charge to which retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty may tell us a great deal about the Robert Mueller investigation.” Source: Why did Flynn Continue Reading →

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House Dems introduce articles of impeachment against Trump – CNNPolitics

“House Democrats introduced articles of impeachment Wednesday against President Donald Trump, though they acknowledged their efforts have no chance of success while Republicans control both houses of Congress.” The official Continue Reading →

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McConnell proposes Sessions as a write-in to replace Moore – CNNPolitics

It is a stupid idea, and it will not work “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell floated Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a replacement for Roy Moore” Source: McConnell proposes Sessions Continue Reading →

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Run, Joe, Run | The American Spectator

“Convinced of his own wonderfulness, Joe Biden trots around the talk shows as if on a perpetual victory lap.” This is not going to happen, but President Joe is just Continue Reading →

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Reckoning With Bill Clinton’s Sex Crimes – The Atlantic

“Feminists saved the 42nd president of the United States in the 1990s. They were on the wrong side of history; is it finally time to make things right?” You just Continue Reading →

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Why Democrats’ Race-Baiting Often Backfires – Bloomberg

“In each case, liberals are not so much answering Gillespie’s argument as complaining that he dares to make it — especially since, in each case, it appears to be drawing Continue Reading →

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Democrats Are Playing Checkers While Trump Is Playing Chess – The New York Times

Hear that, that is the collective burning of the NY Times….by liberals. “Democrats Are Playing Checkers While Trump Is Playing Chess” Source: Democrats Are Playing Checkers While Trump Is Playing Continue Reading →

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Feinstein, Oldest Senator at 84, to Seek Re-Election | RealClearPolitics

This, THIS!…..is one of the problems. Cemeteries are filled with indispensable people…..12-years, that is it, 12-years is all anyone should have in DC (hell, government….). “At 84, Sen. Dianne Feinstein Continue Reading →

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This is the America we deserve

If that is how you feel, make sure you remember there is plenty of blame to go around….. “While Trump and Corker took potshots at each other, Vice President Mike Continue Reading →

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The Democrats’ IT scandal just got even more bizarre | Fox News

Yet the “mainstream media” is all over Russia, but have paid very little attention to this story……Oh, that is right, wrong party…gee’s, what was I thinking “Imran Awan was back Continue Reading →

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