Lying Biden

This is an ongoing list of Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s lies and bigoted statements (list updated continuously): What follows are links to news story and videos detailing Joe Biden’s many Continue Reading →

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Vote Your Heart and Mind in NH Primary

So, what is your plan for the New Hampshire primary this Tuesday? Are you thinking strategic or tactical? Or are the “bilities” swirling around in your head: winnability, viability, likeability Continue Reading →

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Goal for 2020 is Abundantly Confusing

Someone recently asked me if I knew the difference between socialism and democratic-socialism. I quickly replied one has more letters. They did not appreciate what they believed was sarcasm. Although Continue Reading →

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NH Dems Shouldn’t be Hypocrites over Maura Sullivan

New Hampshirites are seasoned voters. We do not need a major league sports team because politics is our state pastime. Our general elections are our title games, candidates are our Continue Reading →

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Run, Joe, Run | The American Spectator

“Convinced of his own wonderfulness, Joe Biden trots around the talk shows as if on a perpetual victory lap.” This is not going to happen, but President Joe is just Continue Reading →

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Governor compares ‘Trump-ites’ to cave dwellers

Brown compares Trump supporter (Trump-ites) to ‘troglodyte(s)” Gee, I wonder who might be thinking about running for president in 2020…mmm. With Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders thinking about running as Continue Reading →

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Voter fraud investigations eschewed by Democrats – Washington Times

Ms. Bruce worked on a number of Democratic campaigns in 1990s, including the 1992 Boxer and Feinstein senate races and the Clinton for President campaign………. Why Democrats fear voter fraud Continue Reading →

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Virtual Sabbatical from the Extremism

As summer draws to an end and kids returned to school, they were likely greeted by the ritual of their first school assignment, “What I did for my summer vacation.” Continue Reading →

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Cherry Picking The Truth About Electoral College

On Monday, the next procedure of our nation’s presidential selection process will take place. The Electoral College will gather in their respective meeting locations and submit their votes for the Continue Reading →

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Christie Has Sense, Maturity, Intellect

Who are you supporting? You will either answer the question with conviction, reservation or uncertainty. In almost every other state, the presidential candidates and policies we support or oppose attract Continue Reading →

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