Lying Biden

This is an ongoing list of Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s lies and bigoted statements (list updated continuously): What follows are links to news story and videos detailing Joe Biden’s many Continue Reading →

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The Biden Fairytales

There are some in the media more comfortable with political fairytales than reality. One of the most glaring examples of this is the myth of the Kennedy Camelot. What the Continue Reading →

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What Exactly is Socialism?

I love talking about economics, but I am acutely aware the conversation is fraught for many, and for good reason. I have always found the historical aspects of economics fascinating. Continue Reading →

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The Media, Democrats and Don Quixote

For the past two years the mainstream media and leadership of the Democratic Party told us President Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to “steal” the 2016 election. In Continue Reading →

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Goal for 2020 is Abundantly Confusing

Someone recently asked me if I knew the difference between socialism and democratic-socialism. I quickly replied one has more letters. They did not appreciate what they believed was sarcasm. Although Continue Reading →

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Tax-and-Spend Principles do Harm

There are times I wish our Founding Fathers had the foresight to insert the phrase “First do no harm” somewhere near the beginning of our Constitution. It is a phrase Continue Reading →

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Reality TV Takes Over D.C.

The greatest reality TV on the air right now is “The Real Nincompoops of D.C.,” also known as our federal government. Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where there Continue Reading →

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Governing by ‘Accident’ or by ‘Force’

“It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies Continue Reading →

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Robert Mueller, an American Hero, Deserves Our Trust

In 1770, Founding Father and a future President of the US John Adams stood in a Boston courtroom, and for a brief period in time he was one of the Continue Reading →

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Standing Firm Outside the Public Mob

For those of you that follow me on social media, you know I post on a variety of things, but mostly I write and post on government affairs. Sarcasm and Continue Reading →

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