‘Tokenism’? Democrats Slight First African-American Candidate For NH Ed Board

For those of you who may not be aware, the first-ever African-American candidate for the New Hampshire State Board of Education, Ryan Terrell, was rejected by the state Executive Council Continue Reading →

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Vote Your Heart and Mind in NH Primary

So, what is your plan for the New Hampshire primary this Tuesday? Are you thinking strategic or tactical? Or are the “bilities” swirling around in your head: winnability, viability, likeability Continue Reading →

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Tax-and-Spend Principles do Harm

There are times I wish our Founding Fathers had the foresight to insert the phrase “First do no harm” somewhere near the beginning of our Constitution. It is a phrase Continue Reading →

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Governing by ‘Accident’ or by ‘Force’

“It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies Continue Reading →

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Looking Beyond our Perceptions to Find Solutions

No one wants to rid the world of violence more than me and I have no doubt some of you reading this article have thought or said aloud that very Continue Reading →

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NH Dems Shouldn’t be Hypocrites over Maura Sullivan

New Hampshirites are seasoned voters. We do not need a major league sports team because politics is our state pastime. Our general elections are our title games, candidates are our Continue Reading →

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Secretary of State not a Lifetime Appointment

One of the favorite things my father used to say was “the cemetery is filled with indispensable people.” For the longest time I thought this was an original thought on Continue Reading →

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Which Divided Party Will Be the Last One Standing in ’18? | RealClearPolitics

You think Hurricane Harvey is a mess …..wait until you live through the 2018 election cycle…   Source: Which Divided Party Will Be the Last One Standing in ’18? | Continue Reading →

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Edelblut Well Qualified to Lead Dept. of Education

“To provide educational leadership and services which promote equal educational opportunities and quality practices and programs that enable New Hampshire residents to become fully productive members of society.” – Mission Continue Reading →

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NH’s $66M Budget Sink Hole Did Not Suddenly Appear

We have all seen it, the “news alert” flashing across our TV screens informing of us of a breaking story. The news reporter pops on the screen, standing in front Continue Reading →

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