Shame On Those Doing The Shaming

“You should socially shame them, so they fall in line.” – Providence, Rhode Island, Mayor Jorge Elorza Like many of you I have found myself embroiled in numerous discussions regarding Continue Reading →

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The Tiger King and Coronavirus

We can say without equivocation that we are the “Tiger King” Nation. I can’t think of anything more appropriate than the fact the top trending TV show in America right Continue Reading →

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America Is Insolvent, Broke, Deep Into The Red

What would you do If someone came knocking on your door and demanded that you pay them $291,000? Worse still, what if this same person said that, based on the Continue Reading →

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The Media, Democrats and Don Quixote

For the past two years the mainstream media and leadership of the Democratic Party told us President Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to “steal” the 2016 election. In Continue Reading →

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Social Media, Press at it Again in ‘Pearlgate’

What do a string of pearls and a red hat have in common? Some would say they are simply fashion accessories, others would say they represent a cause the individual Continue Reading →

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Goal for 2020 is Abundantly Confusing

Someone recently asked me if I knew the difference between socialism and democratic-socialism. I quickly replied one has more letters. They did not appreciate what they believed was sarcasm. Although Continue Reading →

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D.C. is the Definition of Insanity

How many times have you heard someone say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Of course, that is not the Continue Reading →

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Reality TV Takes Over D.C.

The greatest reality TV on the air right now is “The Real Nincompoops of D.C.,” also known as our federal government. Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where there Continue Reading →

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No Right to be Offended

Up until this point I have tried to obey a series of self-imposed rules when writing this column. One was that I would not criticize or (overly) praise a fellow Continue Reading →

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Looking Beyond our Perceptions to Find Solutions

No one wants to rid the world of violence more than me and I have no doubt some of you reading this article have thought or said aloud that very Continue Reading →

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