The Road to Unity

The Road to Unity may sound like a rip-roaring, buddy road trip movie, but it is not. The Road to Unity is less a comic frolic starring Bing Crosby and Continue Reading →

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Biden’s Pandemic Plan Plagiarizes Trump’s Efforts

“If we do things almost perfectly, we could get in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 fatalities.” – Dr. Deborah Birx (The Today Show, March 30, 2020) The other night Continue Reading →

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What Media Missed with Hunter Biden Hard Drive

This past week we saw why many people in America don’t trust the media and believe them to be biased, including social media giants Twitter and Facebook. A recent Gallup Continue Reading →

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Joe Biden’s Credibility Issue

“Since the early 1970s, Joe Biden has been a serial liar when it comes to his ‘work’ in the civil rights movement. It’s the equivalent of stolen valor and is Continue Reading →

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Run, Joe, Run | The American Spectator

“Convinced of his own wonderfulness, Joe Biden trots around the talk shows as if on a perpetual victory lap.” This is not going to happen, but President Joe is just Continue Reading →

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