Governing by ‘Accident’ or by ‘Force’

“It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies Continue Reading →

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Looking Beyond our Perceptions to Find Solutions

No one wants to rid the world of violence more than me and I have no doubt some of you reading this article have thought or said aloud that very Continue Reading →

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NH Dems Shouldn’t be Hypocrites over Maura Sullivan

New Hampshirites are seasoned voters. We do not need a major league sports team because politics is our state pastime. Our general elections are our title games, candidates are our Continue Reading →

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Robert Mueller, an American Hero, Deserves Our Trust

In 1770, Founding Father and a future President of the US John Adams stood in a Boston courtroom, and for a brief period in time he was one of the Continue Reading →

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D.C.’s Fiscal Insanity Reaches a New Low

On the evening of Feb. 8, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky., took to the Senate floor in defiance of the 2018 spending bill that was allegedly being debated. This country is Continue Reading →

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FISAgate Boomerangs on Democrats, Hillary & Obama | National Review

Counter-point “Some Obama officials thought they had the moral right & the administrative means to nullify Trump & they were willing to break the law to do so.” Source: FISAgate Continue Reading →

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Republicans tried to discredit the Russia investigation. Instead they discredited themselves.

Point   “Trump and the GOP are digging themselves an even deeper hole on Russia” Source: Republicans tried to discredit the Russia investigation. Instead they discredited themselves.

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Polls swing toward GOP, easing fears of midterm disaster | TheHill

“Republicans are feeling better about their prospects in the midterm elections, buoyed by recent polls that show their numbers improving.” Polls are useless, until you like them…….. Source: Polls swing Continue Reading →

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Pelosi: Republican Tax Reform “Worst Bill In The History Of Congress” | Video | RealClearPolitics

“Pelosi: Republican Tax Reform “Worst Bill In The History Of Congress” The WORST in HISTORY! Yikes, good thing this is coming from one of the most trusted people in politics. Continue Reading →

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House Dems introduce articles of impeachment against Trump – CNNPolitics

“House Democrats introduced articles of impeachment Wednesday against President Donald Trump, though they acknowledged their efforts have no chance of success while Republicans control both houses of Congress.” The official Continue Reading →

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