The Gifts My Parents Gave Me
My parents were from two different worlds, yet it was the difference in their upbringing that would often provide the strength we would need as a family in bad times. Continue Reading →
A New Hampshire Perspective
My parents were from two different worlds, yet it was the difference in their upbringing that would often provide the strength we would need as a family in bad times. Continue Reading →
There are times when I know my column lacks the clarity some of you seek, and it can be frustrating. I understand you just want me to say exactly what Continue Reading →
Recently I saw a news story that made my heart ache, my intellect question reason, and made me wonder if the “man code” I try to live by held any Continue Reading →
A few years ago, I asked you “How can you make a difference in the world today?” You can read that column at Based on the emails I received, it Continue Reading →
Numerous publications have recently proclaimed “Socialism is no longer a dirty word in the US.” Many of these same publications and some pundits have also at one time or another Continue Reading →
There are times I wish our Founding Fathers had the foresight to insert the phrase “First do no harm” somewhere near the beginning of our Constitution. It is a phrase Continue Reading →
How many times have you heard someone say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Of course, that is not the Continue Reading →
The greatest reality TV on the air right now is “The Real Nincompoops of D.C.,” also known as our federal government. Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where there Continue Reading →
In 1770, Founding Father and a future President of the US John Adams stood in a Boston courtroom, and for a brief period in time he was one of the Continue Reading →
I am often the “lone voice in the wilderness” in this publication, surrounded by an echo chamber that often stifles a truly holistic approach to dealing with issues. On the Continue Reading →