Recipe – Live Free and Rye Cocktail

Ice the glass 1.5 oz of the Flag Hill Straight Rye Whiskey 1.2 oz Lemon Juice (Freshly Squeezed Lemon) Top with Ginger Ale Stir Garnish with Lemon

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Are You Really a Socialist?

Numerous publications have recently proclaimed “Socialism is no longer a dirty word in the US.” Many of these same publications and some pundits have also at one time or another Continue Reading →

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Media Doesn’t Know How to Have a Conversation

I am going to resist the urge to respond to some of the “in the moment” op-eds and letters to the editor that have popped up over the past few Continue Reading →

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What Colleges Must Do to Promote Diversity — of Thought | RealClearPolitics

Can we have a discussion about….discussion? “What Colleges Must Do to Promote Diversity — of Thought” Source: What Colleges Must Do to Promote Diversity — of Thought | RealClearPolitics

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The Free Speech Fight Is Really About Smearing The Right As Racists

When you absolutely known, without reservation, you have been ordained with the moral authority…….. Free Speech Fight Is Really About Smearing The Right As Racists Source: The Free Speech Fight Continue Reading →

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Full Replay: Ben Shapiro Speaks At UC Berkeley | Video | RealClearPolitics

Ben Shapiro refused to back-down to Antifa (oxymoron), and walked into the “lions den” of intolerance and closed minds, Berkeley.   Source: Full Replay: Ben Shapiro Speaks At UC Berkeley Continue Reading →

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