$20 Trillion in National Debt Is a Big Deal | RealClearPolicy

Oh, come on….what’s $20 trillion dollars among friends…like China, Japan, Saudi Arabia…….ummm…may want to re-think that train of thought….. $20 Trillion in National Debt Is a Big Deal Source: $20 Continue Reading →

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Virtual Sabbatical from the Extremism

As summer draws to an end and kids returned to school, they were likely greeted by the ritual of their first school assignment, “What I did for my summer vacation.” Continue Reading →

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Why A Menendez Conviction Would Be A Nightmare For Senate Democrats

“The fate of a lot of important issues hang in the balance of what happens with this trial. Just look at the health care vote,” said Jeff Tittel, a top New Continue Reading →

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Black Trump Supporter Sucker-Punched By Antifa: If Situation Were Reversed, “I Would Be In The Spotlight In CNN”

This week, California police arrested one Anti-Fa protester for assaulting a group of Trump supporters Sunday night at an ‘America First’ rally in Laguna Beach. The above video shows a Continue Reading →

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Our War against Memory, by Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

This is more than just about “statues.” It is how nation talks about its history, the good and the bad. “Abolition of memory is easy when the revisionists enjoy the Continue Reading →

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Never Forget We are a Perpetual Union

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and Continue Reading →

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Cherry Picking The Truth About Electoral College

On Monday, the next procedure of our nation’s presidential selection process will take place. The Electoral College will gather in their respective meeting locations and submit their votes for the Continue Reading →

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Quick Blog: Sheep to Slaughter

Sheep to the Slaughter – I purposely did not discuss the events of Orlando until this writing. Watching the conversation unfold, it is clear that there are three distinct beings Continue Reading →

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It’s Time For Americans To ‘Do Your Job’

A couple weeks ago I was asked to emcee and speak at an event called Practical Federalism. The event’s significance was so important it featured several presidential candidates and garnered Continue Reading →

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NH Primary: Reject Proposals To Limit Candidates In Debates

This past week the Republican National Committee announced its preliminary debate rules for the 2016 Presidential election. The RNC wants the networks to limit the number of contenders on the Continue Reading →

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