Planned Parenthood Videos Disturbing

“Let’s talk about what extreme is. ‘It’s not a life until it leaves the hospital.’ That’s Hillary Clinton’s position. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that a 13-year-old girl needs her mother’s Continue Reading →

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Failed Policies Of Sanctuary Cities

On July 1, 2015, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez shot and killed 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco. To say Kathryn Steinle was an innocent victim of a random crime would be Continue Reading →

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Roberts Wrong About Obamacare

“In a democracy, the power to make the law rests with those chosen by the people. Our role is more confined, “to say what the law is.”… That is easier Continue Reading →

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Best of Blog – Addressing Healthcare During the Presidental Campaign in 2007

Author’s Note This is a ‘Best of’ blog posting from 2007, when the then unnamed Obamacare was being discussed on the campaign trial. The truth then, as now, is that Continue Reading →

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Common Sense Voting Laws Are Needed In NH

In politics there is always room for common ground, but in some cases there is very little will for people to make the journey. On the issue of election integrity Continue Reading →

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NH Primary: Reject Proposals To Limit Candidates In Debates

This past week the Republican National Committee announced its preliminary debate rules for the 2016 Presidential election. The RNC wants the networks to limit the number of contenders on the Continue Reading →

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Not Everything Is A National Conversation

How much more can we take as a country, and where can we look to find hope? As we watch the events unfold in Baltimore, it is déjà vu. We Continue Reading →

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Hillary Clinton Will Not Be The Next President

  Bienvenue, Hillary NOTE: This is the original article that was submitted to the Portsmouth Herald. The road to the White House may pass through New Hampshire, but the highway Continue Reading →

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Indiana RFRA Law Backlash Is Mob Rule

For those who read my articles or listen to my radio show, you know a majority of my time is devoted to economic issues, integrity and ethics in government, and Continue Reading →

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Political Agitators Serve To Distract

Over the past couple of weeks, discussions involving both the federal and state budget got under way. As expected, the incessant cackle from politicians, lobbyists and the “special interest groups,” Continue Reading →

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