Remember All Those We Have Lost

If time permits, wander out to Great Island Common in New Castle or a similar venue closer to home. Walk to where the landscape meets the ocean. Look upon the Continue Reading →

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Dear NRA, It’s Time to Take Away Everyone’s Gun

“Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I now actually do want to take your guns. All of your guns.” At least he Continue Reading →

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Beware Catchphrases Tossed Around in Gun Debate

Note: This is the original article that was submitted to Certain edits were made to the original submission by Seacoast Media Group that weakened the article. You may view Continue Reading →

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Why I Choose to Arm Myself

″(a)ll persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property, and the state.” – Part 1, Article 2-a of the New Hampshire Continue Reading →

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Gun Debate Needs a Balanced Conversation

There are some issues about which you are never going to change someone’s mind. No matter how opened minded any of us claim to be, there are issues we have Continue Reading →

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Something to Ponder Before Clicking ‘Add to Cart’

I never know which way my journey will take me when I write my column. There have been numerous times when I started to investigate one topic, only to be Continue Reading →

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Banning Literary Classics Cheats Youth

I would ask that before you continue reading you take a deep breath and approach this article with an open mind. This article is about more than race and censorship, Continue Reading →

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Secretary of State not a Lifetime Appointment

One of the favorite things my father used to say was “the cemetery is filled with indispensable people.” For the longest time I thought this was an original thought on Continue Reading →

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‘Everyone’s General’ Returns Home with a Mission

One the truest statements you can make about a hero is that they would be the last person to describe themselves as such. Aside from a hero’s devotion to service Continue Reading →

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D.C.’s Fiscal Insanity Reaches a New Low

On the evening of Feb. 8, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky., took to the Senate floor in defiance of the 2018 spending bill that was allegedly being debated. This country is Continue Reading →

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