Goal for 2020 is Abundantly Confusing

Someone recently asked me if I knew the difference between socialism and democratic-socialism. I quickly replied one has more letters. They did not appreciate what they believed was sarcasm. Although Continue Reading →

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D.C. is the Definition of Insanity

How many times have you heard someone say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Of course, that is not the Continue Reading →

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No Right to be Offended

Up until this point I have tried to obey a series of self-imposed rules when writing this column. One was that I would not criticize or (overly) praise a fellow Continue Reading →

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Standing Firm Outside the Public Mob

For those of you that follow me on social media, you know I post on a variety of things, but mostly I write and post on government affairs. Sarcasm and Continue Reading →

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Echo Chamber Advances Transgender Policies

I am often the “lone voice in the wilderness” in this publication, surrounded by an echo chamber that often stifles a truly holistic approach to dealing with issues. On the Continue Reading →

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A judge sides with parents and rules their 30-year-old son must move out – CNN

“He claimed that for the past eight years he “has never been expected to contribute to household expenses, or assisted with chores and the maintenance of the premises, and claims Continue Reading →

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Dear NRA, It’s Time to Take Away Everyone’s Gun

“Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I now actually do want to take your guns. All of your guns.” At least he Continue Reading →

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Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all | TheHill

With little time left before the Justice Department inspector general’s report becomes public, and with special counsel Robert Mueller having failed to bring down Donald Trump after a year of trying, they know a Continue Reading →

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Banning Literary Classics Cheats Youth

I would ask that before you continue reading you take a deep breath and approach this article with an open mind. This article is about more than race and censorship, Continue Reading →

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Make no mistake: This DACA crisis is Trump’s creation, and Trump’s fault

Really, Trump’s fault??!!??: Not the relatives who illegally brought the children into the county…nope Not those same relatives who did not try to fix the situation, all while enjoying the Continue Reading →

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