President Calvin Coolidge’s Address on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence

Address at the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia, Pa. – July 5, 1926 Fellow Countrymen: We meet to celebrate the birthday of America. That Continue Reading →

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Roberts Wrong About Obamacare

“In a democracy, the power to make the law rests with those chosen by the people. Our role is more confined, “to say what the law is.”… That is easier Continue Reading →

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What a Crock Recipe Segment – New England Beer Cocktail

New England Beer Cocktail Segment June 27, 2015 Southern Shandy Ingredients 3 – 12 oz bottles of ice cold beer (Woodstock Summer Ale) 4 cups of lemonade chilled ½ cup Continue Reading →

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Best of Blog – Addressing Healthcare During the Presidental Campaign in 2007

Author’s Note This is a ‘Best of’ blog posting from 2007, when the then unnamed Obamacare was being discussed on the campaign trial. The truth then, as now, is that Continue Reading →

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Drawing The Prophet Is Not Offensive

The Bills of Rights, the first 10 amendments of the U.S. Constitution, are the very essence of individual liberty. Each is vital, one no more important than the other. The Continue Reading →

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Obama Should Not Be Criticized For Using the N-Word

Please Be Advised – This posting contains frank, and too many, offensive language. Author’s Note: This blog posting originally appeared when Jesse Jackson referred to President Obama as a nigger. Continue Reading →

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Common Sense Voting Laws Are Needed In NH

In politics there is always room for common ground, but in some cases there is very little will for people to make the journey. On the issue of election integrity Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Recipe – Strawberry Fields For Ever

  Strawberry Desserts June 13, 2015 segment Chocolate Strawberry Shortcake TOTAL TIME: Prep: 20 min. + chilling. Bake: 10 min. + cooling YIELD: 8 servings Ingredients 1 quart fresh strawberries, Continue Reading →

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Imaginary Injustice Is A Shame

History is filled with injustices, real and imaginary. Our definition of injustice has been watered downed so much that tangible injustices are ignored, and every inappropriate behavior becomes a cause Continue Reading →

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NH Primary: Reject Proposals To Limit Candidates In Debates

This past week the Republican National Committee announced its preliminary debate rules for the 2016 Presidential election. The RNC wants the networks to limit the number of contenders on the Continue Reading →

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