Jeff Chidester Endorses Chris Christie for President

Proud to join Team Christie   Becomes 100th member of Christie’s New Hampshire Leadership Team For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, November 18, 2015 MORRISTOWN, NJ – Following Governor Christie’s strong performance Continue Reading →

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What Next For The Portmouth Police Department?

NOTE: This is the un-edited version of my weekly article. Due to space considerations, the article that appeared in the Portsmouth Herald had to be trimmed. Over the next few Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Homemade Soups Cooking Segment – Sweet Potato Recipes

Sweet Potato Segment November 14, 2015 Sweet Potato Macaroni and Cheese Yield: Serves 6 Ingredients 1 pound sweet potatoes 10 ounces (about 2 cups) pennette, or other small, short pasta Continue Reading →

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Our Veterans Deserve Better Care And Respect

Last week an extraordinary gathering occurred in Portsmouth, one that exemplifies the true meaning of Veterans Day, and one that each of us should strive for when honoring those who Continue Reading →

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University of Missouri Should Be Ashamed

Photojournalism Student Tim Tai is an award winning journalist from the University of Missouri ( Tai has an incredible future in the field of journalism based on his current portfolio. Continue Reading →

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Hassan Wrong On Sanctuary Cities

When we wake up each morning, a vast majority of us go about our daily lives obeying the laws of our community, and we expect the same from our neighbors Continue Reading →

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It’s Time For Americans To ‘Do Your Job’

A couple weeks ago I was asked to emcee and speak at an event called Practical Federalism. The event’s significance was so important it featured several presidential candidates and garnered Continue Reading →

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The Truth About Planned Parenthood and Budget Battle

Every election the battle cry from both sides of the political spectrum goes out: “Don’t talk about the social issues!” Every election we eventually find ourselves embroiled in a conversation Continue Reading →

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Iran Deal Is Bad But It Is Our Deal

In Washington, D.C., the rules of reality are in a perpetual state of flux. Language is bent to fit the dogmatic necessity of the day. Such is the case with Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Homemade Soup Recipe Segment – NFL Kickoff Party

NFL Kickoff Segment Saturday, September 12, 2015 Buffalo Cauliflower Yield: Makes 2 to 4 side dish servings Ingredients 1 head cauliflower, leaves removed 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon canola oil Continue Reading →

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