Axelrod: I cried when they passed Obamacare – CNN

Along with millions of Americans….because they knew they were screwed! “I cried when they passed Obamacare” Source: Axelrod: I cried when they passed Obamacare – CNN

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Obama White House Wiretapped Trump, Then Lied About It: CNN | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD

The Flynn case and the wire-tap denials are coming back to haunt the media….whatever will they do….. “Wiretapping: The U.S. government under President Obama wiretapped former Trump campaign Chair Paul Continue Reading →

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The ongoing delusions of Hillary Clinton

The Democratic Party knows that “The Clinton Pity and Excuse Tour” is hurting them, but all they can do is watch. They colluded and schemed and help to create this Continue Reading →

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Nationalism without isolationism: Trump’s UN triumph | New York Post

Interesting take on Trump’s UN speech “For 50 minutes on Tuesday, President Trump dazzled, and appalled, UN denizens in a speech that was the most detailed and reasoned defense to Continue Reading →

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This is global Trumpism – CNNPolitics

Trump’s speech was a dose of cold hard truth – I disagree with this report, but frankly, Trump made some solid points that the rest of the world would like Continue Reading →

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WHO spent more money on travel than AIDS, malaria, AP investigation reveals — Quartz

Trump’s UN Speech: He was right, the UN needs to be reformed…..or dissolved. “World Health Organization spent more on plane tickets and hotels than AIDS and malaria” Source: WHO spent Continue Reading →

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Governor compares ‘Trump-ites’ to cave dwellers

Brown compares Trump supporter (Trump-ites) to ‘troglodyte(s)” Gee, I wonder who might be thinking about running for president in 2020…mmm. With Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders thinking about running as Continue Reading →

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The Terrible American Turn Toward Illiberalism | commentary

Is American turning towards Illiberalism? “The battle lines and formations are starkly visible: coastal versus inland, urban versus rural, “globalist” versus nationalist, Black Lives versus Blue Lives, pussy hats versus Continue Reading →

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Moving from a blue state to a red state changed my life for the better

Mixed bag, but refreshing – what happens when a person moves from a “Blue State” to a “Red State?” Source: Moving from a blue state to a red state changed Continue Reading →

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The Middle Class Rocks–Again | RealClearPolitics

  It is still fragile, which is why DC needs to lead with tax reform for the middle-class. Source: The Middle Class Rocks–Again | RealClearPolitics

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