What Is ‘Patriotic’ These Days? A Guide For The Perplexed In The Wake Of NFL Protests, Antifa, Trump | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD

I really do think that the media doesn’t really care what the “other side” thinks, just keep beating the drum, no matter how foolish you look – sound. “So, to Continue Reading →

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Hey, Lefties: Where Are Your Pussyhats Now? – American Greatness

“So, let’s take a little trip down Social Media Lane and see how our virtuous, high-minded celebs who wanted Trump charged with rape a year ago have reacted to the Continue Reading →

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Health care state of play: Sweetheart deals – CNNPolitics

Gees, the only line missing from this debate is “we’ll have to pass it to see what is in it….” Source: Health care state of play: Sweetheart deals – CNNPolitics

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Axelrod: I cried when they passed Obamacare – CNN

Along with millions of Americans….because they knew they were screwed! “I cried when they passed Obamacare” Source: Axelrod: I cried when they passed Obamacare – CNN

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This is global Trumpism – CNNPolitics

Trump’s speech was a dose of cold hard truth – I disagree with this report, but frankly, Trump made some solid points that the rest of the world would like Continue Reading →

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WHO spent more money on travel than AIDS, malaria, AP investigation reveals — Quartz

Trump’s UN Speech: He was right, the UN needs to be reformed…..or dissolved. “World Health Organization spent more on plane tickets and hotels than AIDS and malaria” Source: WHO spent Continue Reading →

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Governor compares ‘Trump-ites’ to cave dwellers

Brown compares Trump supporter (Trump-ites) to ‘troglodyte(s)” Gee, I wonder who might be thinking about running for president in 2020…mmm. With Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders thinking about running as Continue Reading →

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New film explores J.D. Salinger’s PTSD

The new biopic about famed recluse author J.D. Salinger looks interesting (Rebel in the Rye). How many of those that served in past conflicts came home with PSTD, and went Continue Reading →

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Clinton: “No Absolution” For Women Who Did Not Vote | Video | RealClearPolitics

Gees, not bitter at all…… “Do you give the absolution to those who didn’t vote, to women who didn’t vote?” the CNN host asked. “No, I don’t,” Clinton answered. Source: Continue Reading →

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Voter fraud investigations eschewed by Democrats – Washington Times

Ms. Bruce worked on a number of Democratic campaigns in 1990s, including the 1992 Boxer and Feinstein senate races and the Clinton for President campaign………. Why Democrats fear voter fraud Continue Reading →

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