Obamacare’s Next Threat: A September Surprise

Obamacare’s next threat: A September surprise By: Edward-Isaac Dovere July 7, 2014 05:07 AM EDT   Link to the full article Obamacare open enrollment closed March 31. The White House’s Continue Reading →

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America’s Immigration Chaos

America was built on the great debates of its past. States’ sovereignty, civil rights and foreign policy have all been debated by way of the pen, the speech and the Continue Reading →

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Obama Administration: Worst in history, Part 3

In the history of our country there has never been a perfect president. Although a small number of people may want to hold the president to an unattainable perfection, most Continue Reading →

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Obama Administration: Worst in history, Part 2

Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution defines the powers granted to the executive branch, and it is left to the president to competently perform his or her duties. Generally speaking, Continue Reading →

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The Obama Administration: Worst in history, Part 1

No president of the United States ever inherited the successes or the failures of their administration. Each was the eventual product of their ability to lead. In essence, they were Continue Reading →

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‘Obamacare’ is Dishonest Legislation

The only thing that seems to be saving President Obama from atoning for any one of his many fiascoes is that they come flying at the American public in such Continue Reading →

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Truth About Benghazi Does Matter to Many Americans

“What difference, at this point, does it make?” — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton On April 30, America witnessed one of the most brazen demonstrations of duplicity, and it was Continue Reading →

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Women’s Pay Inequality a False Issue

The Democratic Party establishment must be really be desperate. This past week America got another peek at what the Democratic strategy will be for the 2014 and 2016 election cycles, Continue Reading →

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Elusive High Moral Ground with Money and Politics

In every one of our endeavors, one universal truth is that money can either be a force for good or a force for bad. However, money is merely the instrument Continue Reading →

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N.H. Wise to Save for Rainy Day

One of the trademarks of true New Hampshirites was our hard-core Yankee frugality, embracing the old adage “a penny saved is a penny earned.” New Hampshirites understood more than most Continue Reading →

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