Political Posturing The Order Of The Day

All compromise is not equal. This may seem like an obvious statement for most, but for many in the media and politics, the art of compromise is subjective for others, Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Recipes – Cauliflower Is Our Friend

CAULIFLOWER MASH Yield: 4 Servings Ingredients 1 large head cauliflower, rinsed, cored and chopped 1 tablespoon grain mustard 1 tablespoon butter lots of freshly ground black pepper salt to taste Continue Reading →

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List Of Stupid Political Comments Grows Longer

“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you. And he Continue Reading →

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Outsourcing The New Hampshire Governorship

The chief operating officer’s sole job will be to work across state agencies to drive process and efficiency improvements. – Gov. Maggie Hassan, 2015 budget address This past week, New Continue Reading →

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What a Crock Cooking Segment – Cooking with Chocolate

These are the recipes from Chef John Knorr, from What A Crock Homemade Soups, featured on our show on Feb. 14, 2015   Chile-Marinated Flank Steak Yield: Serves 4 as Continue Reading →

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Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty A Bad Deal For America

How poor must a piece of legislation be that I found myself on the side of Sen. Bernie Sanders and President Obama finds himself aligned with the “extreme far right?” Continue Reading →

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Is Progress Threatening Portsmouth?

No matter where my heart and mind may be on Wednesday as I start to put my weekly article together, events occur that require me to shift my focus. My Continue Reading →

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Deflated Footballs and ‘American Sniper’

It takes very little to create a controversy in our country. One only needs to look at the hullabaloo involving the New England Patriots and whether footballs were properly inflated Continue Reading →

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What a Crock Cooking Segment – Superbowl Munchies

These are the recipes featured on our show on January 24, 2015   Fried Cotto Salami Sandwich 1 pound Cotto hot salami or other good quality salami (we used peppered Continue Reading →

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N.H. House Leaders Need An Intermediary

When it comes to both of New Hampshire’s major political parties, the press and opposing political forces almost always seem gleeful when one party appears to be in turmoil, particularly Continue Reading →

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