Election Exposing ‘Winter of our Discontent’

This election cycle seems to have caught many political pundits and members of the media by surprise. However, the real shock is that it took this long for members of Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Homemade Soup – Honey Heaven

Honey Segment January 22, 2016 Herbed Cheese with Pears, Pine Nuts, and Honey Cheese drizzled with honey is a traditional Mediterranean appetizer; when mixed with fruit and nuts, it makes Continue Reading →

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Christie Has Sense, Maturity, Intellect

Who are you supporting? You will either answer the question with conviction, reservation or uncertainty. In almost every other state, the presidential candidates and policies we support or oppose attract Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Homemade Soups – Playoff Weekend Crock Pot Segment

Playoff Weekend Crock Pot Segment Charley’s Slow Cooker Mexican Style Meat Ingredients 1 (4 pound) chuck roast 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 Continue Reading →

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Don’t Lose Friends And Family Over Politics

New Hampshire does not need a major sports team because we have the First in the Nation Primary (FITN). No major league sports franchise could ever compete with the “blood Continue Reading →

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Jeff’s Naughty – Nice List

This is Jeff’s naughty and nice list that was reviewed on the NH Today Show with Jack Health on December 18 and December 24, 2015. Jeff’s Naughty List Number 5 Continue Reading →

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Why Is The Press Not Doing Its Job?

Politics can best be summed up by the lyrics of one of my favorite Frank Sinatra songs, “That’s Life”: “I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Recipe Homemade Soup Segment – Beet It

What A Crock Homemade Soup – Beet Segment December 12, 2015 Beet Salad with Goat Cheese, Green Apple, and Honey Servings: 6 Ingredients 1 bunch red beets, tops removed and Continue Reading →

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Will we be sheep, or fight radical Islam?

“…the battle for American freedom was begun by the thousands of farmers and tradesmen who made up the Minute Men, citizens who were ready to defend their liberty at a Continue Reading →

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What Next After Paris?

To state the international, political landscape drastically changed in one week would be a gross understatement. The attacks in Paris, France, on Nov. 13 should not have been a shock Continue Reading →

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