N.H. DCYF’S Accountability Sorely Lacking

Every day most of us try to hold ourselves or our direct wards whether they be family or peers accountable for our actions. We are told “To err is human, Continue Reading →

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Shaheen, Hassan, and Hollywood follies

Last week we were blessed with two seemingly different events, the Oscars telecast and the so-called town hall sponsored by NH Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan. In reality, each Continue Reading →

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Where have all the ‘gentlemen’ gone?

On Jan. 30, right before Super Bowl LI, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was asked by a 7-year old boy a seemingly simple question. The young boy wanted to Continue Reading →

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Edelblut Well Qualified to Lead Dept. of Education

“To provide educational leadership and services which promote equal educational opportunities and quality practices and programs that enable New Hampshire residents to become fully productive members of society.” – Mission Continue Reading →

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Protesters Should Not Read This Column

  If you are among those who have taken to the streets to protest President Trump, you may want to stop reading this article. From what I have seen from Continue Reading →

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Trump’s Tariff Is A Stupid Idea

The thing with writing about President Donald Trump is that he will most likely change his mind before the story comes to print. Such is the case with Trump’s latest Continue Reading →

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NH’s $66M Budget Sink Hole Did Not Suddenly Appear

We have all seen it, the “news alert” flashing across our TV screens informing of us of a breaking story. The news reporter pops on the screen, standing in front Continue Reading →

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Trump and the Press – Round One

  As a frequent critic of just about everything, I cannot help but wonder how the next four years are going to play out. There are times when I take Continue Reading →

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Catfight in Washington Over Russian Meddling

There are a few simple facts you must understand to appreciate our latest “news” obsession, the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. The DNC is a private political enterprise. Russia Continue Reading →

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Memories of Christmas 1969

One of the fun parts about writing an article is when I can break from my normal routine of pontificating on current events and politics, and focus on matters that Continue Reading →

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