Jeff’s Naughty – Nice List

This is Jeff’s naughty and nice list that was reviewed on the NH Today Show with Jack Health on December 18 and December 24, 2015.

Jeff’s Naughty List
Number 5
The cities of Derry and Portsmouth
Derry: Setting the precedent of governing by referendum
Portsmouth: For mishandling the Uber relationship – misunderstanding the ‘new economy.’
Number Four
Donald Trump: For over-committing and engaging in an undisciplined rhetoric.
Number Three
NH Governor Maggie Hassan – for political posturing during the budget process, which delayed the release of much needed funding.
Number Two
Vladimir Putin – For acting as a thug and committing his country to a course of actions that has threatened the overall security of the world.
Number One
President Barrack Obama – governing disconnected from reality.

Jeff’s Nice List
Number Five
House Speaker Shawn Jasper – agree or disagree with policy or leadership philosophy, Jasper managed to keep the House focused on the task at hand. Members of the House deserve credit for keeping any perceived difference behind closed doors.
Number Four
Arthur T. Demoulas – for his handling of an internal business battle that could have meant the downfall of Market Basket. But also for becoming a role model for other business excutives, either by validating corporate responsibility to employees and customers, or encouraging other companies to improve employee/customer relationships.
Number Three
Donald Trump – for help to attract new people to the process, applying focus to key issues, and reminding Washington DC that they are responsible for the distrust/dissatisfaction felt by many.
Number Two
Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas and NH State Senator Lou D’Allesandro – for reminding us the importance of statement. Regardless of party and policy differences, debate can be civil.
Number One
Publisher Joe McQuaid (Union Leader) – For taking a leading role in defending NH’s First-in-the-Nation primary status.

Lump of Coal List
The Federal Government – disjunction, distrust, and governing in a fashion that disenfranchising the people of America.
The national media – for attempting to hijack the primary process (make it a national election process), misreporting, and bias.

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