Chief Of Staff Kelly: Problems Kicked Down The Road By Obama “Have Come Home To Roost” | Video | RealClearPolitics

Gee, really….. “I — I don’t mean any criticism to Mr. Trump’s predecessors, but there was an awful lot of things that were, in my view, kicked down the road, Continue Reading →

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Today’s Turn-of-the-Century Problems | RealClearPolitics

Interesting read…. “In many ways, problems facing America today resemble those facing what we still call “turn-of-the-century” America, the 1890s to the 1910s. Just as employment shifted from farms to Continue Reading →

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Our War against Memory, by Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

This is more than just about “statues.” It is how nation talks about its history, the good and the bad. “Abolition of memory is easy when the revisionists enjoy the Continue Reading →

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The 100-day Evaluation Folly

If there is one political narrative I have always despised it is the importance far too many people place on the “first 100 Days” of our chief executives, whether it Continue Reading →

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