Luke Skywalker Just Added His ‘Force’ Behind Valerie Plame’s Trump-Dumping Twitter Campaign

“Luke….you are an idiot.” ‘Stars Wars’ actor Mark Hamill has tweeted his support for Valerie Plame Wilson’s GoFundMe campaign to buy Twitter and oust President Trump. As RealClearLife reported last week, Valerie Continue Reading →

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Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Racism

Liberals sell innocence from America’s past. If bigotry is pronounced dead, the racket is over. “Is America racist? It used to be that racism meant the actual enforcement of bigotry—the Continue Reading →

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Why A Menendez Conviction Would Be A Nightmare For Senate Democrats

“The fate of a lot of important issues hang in the balance of what happens with this trial. Just look at the health care vote,” said Jeff Tittel, a top New Continue Reading →

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The Progressive War Against the Dead

“Much of the country has demanded the elimination of references to, and images of, people of the past — from Christopher Columbus to Robert E. Lee — who do not Continue Reading →

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Black Trump Supporter Sucker-Punched By Antifa: If Situation Were Reversed, “I Would Be In The Spotlight In CNN”

This week, California police arrested one Anti-Fa protester for assaulting a group of Trump supporters Sunday night at an ‘America First’ rally in Laguna Beach. The above video shows a Continue Reading →

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Liberals, Shipwrecked

“The passage makes plain what Lilla is up to—and up against. He wants the Democratic Party to abandon identity politics for the sake of its electoral viability. Effecting beneficial changes Continue Reading →

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Purgatory Has A Soundtrack

  The following is a list of songs that are part of my “Purgatory Song-list” mentioned in my August 27, 2017 newspaper column. Feel free to add to the list Continue Reading →

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The Disturbing Inevitability of Cyberattacks

The “new” battlefield continues to grow. While a systematic cataclysm is possible, targeted hacks against businesses do more harm. Source: The Disturbing Inevitability of Cyberattacks

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Our War against Memory, by Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

This is more than just about “statues.” It is how nation talks about its history, the good and the bad. “Abolition of memory is easy when the revisionists enjoy the Continue Reading →

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How Can I Make a Difference in the World Today?

Imagine if you woke up every day and asked yourself one simple question: “How can I make a difference in the world today?” As lofty as the goal may sound Continue Reading →

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