On Harvey Weinstein, a comedy cone of silence | New York Post

Really!!??!! Is anyone really surprised? “But Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and the rest stayed silent. Did the scandal somehow hit too close to home?” Source: On Harvey Weinstein, a comedy Continue Reading →

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Quo ESPN Punishes Jemele Hill for Challenging the White Status Quo

Yea, that is what happen (insert sigh here)….. “Quo ESPN Punishes Jemele Hill for Challenging the White Status Quo” Source: Quo ESPN Punishes Jemele Hill for Challenging the White Status Continue Reading →

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What Is ‘Patriotic’ These Days? A Guide For The Perplexed In The Wake Of NFL Protests, Antifa, Trump | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD

I really do think that the media doesn’t really care what the “other side” thinks, just keep beating the drum, no matter how foolish you look – sound. “So, to Continue Reading →

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‘Project Veritas’ Targets New York Times: Video Editor Caught On Film Bragging About Anti-Trump Bias | Video | RealClearPolitics

Nothing to see, move along…. “I’d target his businesses, his dumb f*ck of a son, Donald Jr., and Eric… Target that. Get people to boycott going to his hotels. Boycott… Continue Reading →

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Why the national anthem protests are failing

“Furthermore, just as much as they value sportsmanship between competitors, fans value that moment of unity when we can put aside all of our agendas and come together simply as Continue Reading →

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Trump is on track to win reelection – The Washington Post

“If Trump isn’t removed from office and doesn’t lead the country into some form of global catastrophe, he could secure a second term simply by maintaining his current level of Continue Reading →

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Blaming Columbus Misses the Lessons of History | RealClearPolitics

“Columbus Day is a day for us to remember that bold and courageous voyage in 1492 that lead to the first sustained contact between two very different worlds. It is Continue Reading →

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Hey, Lefties: Where Are Your Pussyhats Now? – American Greatness

“So, let’s take a little trip down Social Media Lane and see how our virtuous, high-minded celebs who wanted Trump charged with rape a year ago have reacted to the Continue Reading →

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In Charlottesville, Violence Begot Violence

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy, instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you Continue Reading →

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Health care state of play: Sweetheart deals – CNNPolitics

Gees, the only line missing from this debate is “we’ll have to pass it to see what is in it….” Source: Health care state of play: Sweetheart deals – CNNPolitics

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