Tip: Don’t Taunt Any Dog, Especially A Police Dog

This dog is my new hero pic.twitter.com/9wzSe2Hgkb — Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) June 3, 2020

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Heather Mac Donald on Protests Following George Floyd’s Killing

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Politicians Burning Washington To Ground

On Aug. 24, 1814, British troops marched into Washington, D.C. and tried to burn our nation’s capital to the ground. They did a pretty good job, but as a nation Continue Reading →

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In Search Of Better Angels

“It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all Continue Reading →

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Enviro-apocalypticism Harming Youth

In a recent Scott Rasmussen/HarrisX national survey, 51% of young voters (those under 35 years old) believe life on Earth will end in the next 10 to 15 years. Why Continue Reading →

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NH Seeing ‘Crime Wave Out On Bail’

While the idiom “you’ve got to crack a few eggs to make an omelet” works as a cooking tip, it’s a terrible approach to public policy because the “eggs” that Continue Reading →

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Gov. Sununu Was Right To Veto 3 Gun Bills

Seacoast Media Group recently published an editorial critical of N.H. Gov. Chris Sununu’s vetoing of three firearm bills (Sununu should follow Ohio gov.’s lead on guns). Disappointed with the vetoes, Continue Reading →

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Black And Blue, Thanks To Political Correctness

The phrase “politically correct” should hold no value in our society. It is a senseless, useless marque, that does more to identify the thinned-skinned, ill-informed and neofascist amongst us. Contrary Continue Reading →

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Mueller Report (PDF)

This is the full Mueller Report (redacted) Mueller Report (PDF)https://ia601406.us.archive.org/21/items/MuellerReport_20190418/Mueller%20Report.pdf

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Community Can Learn from KKK Jingle

Over the past few years we have seen news reports regarding school assignments gone wrong. At every grade level there have been times when the topic was unsuitable, usually because Continue Reading →

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