Je Suis Charlie? Not really

This past week the world witnessed a massacre at the office of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Islamic terrorists slaughtered 12 people, claiming to avenge the Prophet Mohamed. The Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Cooking Segment – Winter Comfort Meal

These are the recipes featured on our show on January 10, 2015 Simple and Delicious Meatloaf Yield: One loaf – 4/6 servings Ingredients ½ cup onion, small dice ½ cup Continue Reading →

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2014’s People of the Year

It is not unusual this time of the year to see lists of the top news stories, best movies, and most influential people. Many of these lists contain the same Continue Reading →

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What A Crock – New Year’s Recipes

Panettone Bread Pudding with Amaretto Sauce Yield: 8 to 10 servings Ingredients Sauce: 1/2 cup whipping cream 1/2 cup whole milk 3 tablespoons sugar 1/4 cup amaretto liqueur 2 teaspoons Continue Reading →

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Free Cuba Is Freedom For Its People

For my entire life Cuba has been our enemy. Although Cuba is only 90 miles from our shores, it might as well have been in another galaxy. I was born Continue Reading →

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Biased Reports From Rolling Stone And Senate

What do Rolling Stone’s University of Virginia rape article and Senate CIA report have in common? Neither report talked to the accused. However, both also suffer from the same paralyzing Continue Reading →

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What A Crock – Christmas Treats

These are the recipes from Chef John Knorr, What a Crock Homemade Soups, from our 12/13/2014 show. Christmas Conifer Chicken Roulades I harvested pine needles from our back yard, selecting Continue Reading →

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The Lessons of Ferguson

The events in Ferguson, Mo., are now a part of our history, but as important as they seem at the moment, they will fade from our collective memory over time. Continue Reading →

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What A Crock Recipes – Thanksgiving Leftovers Done Right

These are the recipes from Chef John Knorr, What a Crock Homemade Soups, from our 11/22/2014 show. Turkey Salad ½ pound turkey meat, shredded/rough chop ½ cup mayonnaise or salad Continue Reading →

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Another Obama Overreach

President Obama has this odd sense of his authority and what his leadership focus should be at this moment, especially considering the recent midterm election. For the first two years Continue Reading →

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