‘Gun Control’ Conversation A Losing One

The conversation facing our country on “gun control” is a losing one. It is a losing one because both sides are deeply entrenched in their beliefs, often closed off to Continue Reading →

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E Pluribus Unum – Out Of Many, One

E Pluribus Unum – Out of many, one. Nestled on a gold scroll, which is being held in place by an outstretched bald eagle. In front of the bald eagle Continue Reading →

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Quick Blog: Sheep to Slaughter

Sheep to the Slaughter – I purposely did not discuss the events of Orlando until this writing. Watching the conversation unfold, it is clear that there are three distinct beings Continue Reading →

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Transgender Debate Creates Conflict

Have you ever noticed that commonsense often gets lost in the aggressive vacuum of political correctness? Should you resist the bellicose cries from these social justice warriors, you are often Continue Reading →

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Capt. Harl Pease Jr. Embodies Memorial Day

On Oct. 8, 1942, New Hampshire native and U.S. Army Air Forces Capt. Harl Pease Jr., along with three other Americans, was beheaded by members of the Imperial Japanese Military. Continue Reading →

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NH Can Lead In Better Caring For Vets

Occasionally I write a column that strikes a nerve. Such is the case with my last column on veterans care (http://tinyurl.com/hcafs65). I received numerous emails and phone calls not only Continue Reading →

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Care For Veterans Is Shameful

I thought there would never be a time when I would say the following, but I am truly ashamed of my country. I know some people will take offense with Continue Reading →

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Sen. Sanders is Selling an Illusion

I have a confession. I like Sen. Bernie Sanders personally. What’s not to like? Sanders is like that uncle who would visit your family when you were a kid and Continue Reading →

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‘Chalk’ it up to Political Correctness?

There is an insidious epidemic infecting our society. This epidemic is especially prevalent among our college age population, yet has also taken hold with many on the political left. This Continue Reading →

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Elections Have Supreme Consequences

One of the most honest statements about politics is that elections have consequences. Not just presidential elections, but from the selection of school board members to the mid-term elections. The Continue Reading →

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