
Jeff Chidester

Jeff is a well-known, respected public figure and current events analyst in New Hampshire. Known for his keen insight, sharp wit, and passion for New Hampshire, Jeff was a featured columnist at one of the nation’s longest-running newspapers, the Portsmouth Herald, with a weekly column that appeared every Sunday.

Jeff is the current host of ‘The Morning Update with Jeff Chidester,’ which can be heard on 99.9 and 1370AM—WFEA. The audience can also ‘listen live’ using the ‘Precision Imports‘ feature or the ‘TuneIn app’ on smartphones.

Jeff hosted the popular NH Today Weekend Edition with Jeff Chidester for 13 years (formerly known as New Hampshire Perspective) before joining WFEA.

With his patented sign-off “LFOD (NH’s State motto, Live Free or Die), Jeff Chidester’s radio shows always feature top newsmakers, small-businesses entrepreneurs, entertainers, non-profits, and charities.

Jeff was raised in historical Portsmouth and is a lifelong resident of New Hampshire. Jeff traveled the world extensively, living and working in the Far East and Europe for extended periods but always returning to his home state of New Hampshire. Jeff’s broad travels provided him with insight into many different cultures and the impact of America’s footprint throughout the world.

Jeff served in the US Army, where he was recognized for meritorious service as a leader of a counter-terrorist security team tasked with the security of senior NATO personnel and American dignitaries. In that capacity, Jeff worked and studied in Europe and the Middle East, working with numerous international intelligence and security agencies.

After a distinguished military career, Jeff transitioned from the US Army to a career in law enforcement in New Hampshire. Jeff graduated from the NH Police Standards and Training Council as a member of the 84th Police Academy class. Jeff served as a community relations police officer in New Hampshire, developing programs to bring people together to reduce crime and build a sense of neighborhood.

Jeff began his radio career as a media member in New England, hosting several radio shows in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Before joining Clear Channel in 2009, Jeff created and hosted the popular radio show Right Here, Right Now. As a radio host, Jeff has been the featured guest speaker and has served as an emcee for numerous political and charitable events. Jeff has been a debate moderator for local, state-wide, and federal elections in recent election cycles.

In addition to his media career, Jeff spent 20 years as a transformative learning & development leader and expert training strategist across several diverse industries.

Jeff currently writes on matters relating to the government’s role and responsibilities in our lives, international issues that affect the United States, current events, small businesses, charitable endeavors, and human interest stories. Jeff studied communications, history, and economics at Emerson, the University of Maryland (Eastern Shores), and the University of Chicago.

Jeff resides in New Hampshire with his wife Laura, son Matthew, and their dogs, Bennie, Petey, and Finn.

Rest in Peace, Jack, Rudy, and Chester

Jeff is available for media interviews and public appearances, which can be arranged by sending a request to  [email protected]

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