‘Project Veritas’ Targets New York Times: Video Editor Caught On Film Bragging About Anti-Trump Bias | Video | RealClearPolitics

Nothing to see, move along….

“I’d target his businesses, his dumb f*ck of a son, Donald Jr., and Eric… Target that. Get people to boycott going to his hotels. Boycott… So a lot of the Trump brands, if you can ruin the Trump brand and you put pressure on his business and you start investigating his business and you start shutting it down, or they’re hacking or other things. He cares about his business more than he cares about being President. He would resign. Or he’d lash out and do something incredibly illegal, which he would have

Source: ‘Project Veritas’ Targets New York Times: Video Editor Caught On Film Bragging About Anti-Trump Bias | Video | RealClearPolitics

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